new coins 意味

  • 新硬貨{しん こうか}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. when new coins were cupelled (minted ), the money changers collected old coins which they exchanged for new ones instead of the kinza and ginza .
  2. an experiment carried out by the japan copper center in 2006 proved the pesticidal effect of copper ion , and according to the experiment , new coins are more effective .
  3. an experiment carried out by the japan copper center in 2006 proved the pesticidal effect of copper ion , and according to the experiment , new coins are more effective .
  4. after the genna-enbu (peace after genna era ) in 1636 , the bakufu minted kanei-tsuho (pronounced as kan-ei-tsuho ) in earnest and eiraku-sen was gradually driven out when the new coins started to circulate in the entire country in and after the kanbun era (1661- 1672 ).
  5. plans were laid to issue new paper money called " chohei " (mulberry paper notes ) and new coins , and in the third month there is a record of an imperial decree to issue kenkon tsuho ( " circulating treasures of heaven and earth " ), but it cannot be confirmed whether these kenkon tsuho ever in fact existed .


        put new coins in circulation:    新硬貨{しん こうか}を流通{りゅうつう}させる
        coins:    coins 小銭 こぜに
        aluminium coins:    アルミ貨
        aluminum coins:    アルミ貨
        deposit coins:    硬貨を預け入れる
        digital coins:    {名} : 電子{でんし}マネー、エレクトロニックマネー
        divisional coins:    補助貨幣{ほじょ かへい}
        foreign coins:    外国{がいこく}のコイン
        hoard coins:    硬貨をためる
        issue coins:    貨幣{かへい}を発行{はっこう}する
        jingling coins:    ジャラジャラいう硬貨{こうか}
        loose coins:    小銭{こぜに}
        mint coins:    硬貨{こうか}を鋳造{ちゅうぞう}する
        rolled coins:    筒状{つつじょう}に巻かれた硬貨{こうか}◆紙の筒あるいはプラスティックで筒状に包装された硬貨のことで、quarter(25セント)は40枚、dime(10セント)は50枚、nickel(5セント)は40枚、penny(1セント)は50枚入っている。
        strike coins:    貨幣{かへい}を造る


  1. "new clothes" 意味
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  3. "new coalition may be formed" 意味
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  5. "new code" 意味
  6. "new cold war" 意味
  7. "new cold war era" 意味
  8. "new collar" 意味
  9. "new collar worker" 意味
  10. "new coca-cola" 意味
  11. "new code" 意味
  12. "new cold war" 意味
  13. "new cold war era" 意味

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